Saturday 26 September 2009

Ri-Ri's Getting It Right!!!!

Is it just me or does my girl Ri-Ri look fabulous! I swear sometimes I feel like running up behind her, pulling off her clothes and running as fast as I can, in the opposite direction. I swear it's fabulous bitches like her, that make me feel like I need to loose 5pounds, have knee surgery to have longer legs and bleech my skin! Its not fair that all light skin women get more of a push forward than brown women do! But putting colour aside and concentrationg on style, I think she has what it takes to become a great fashion icon, from wide set hips, goth make up to her trade mark jet black hair, with a short back and sides, she's the new 'Quiff Queen'! She's like me, a person that likes to play around with their look and be adventurous, as well as sticking with the current trends but enhancing what you already have! (Come'on and shake what cha' mamma gave yeah!) I couldn't help it, I have no shame!

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Carnival The Crep Carnivor!

I'm a trainer lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love trainers and trainers love me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

From trainers to kicks to creps, they all fall in the category of the best foot wear on earth. Well this is just my opinion anyway. I saw so many creps at carnival that were exclusive and fresh and thought the whole day "How on earth are they staying clean?" Carnival is all about the music, the drink and the fashion. So if you're not rocking hot creps at carnival you are a 'NO BODY'! Your dead to me! I do not know where these girls are going totting around in high heels, it's just plane stupid! When the bottles are flying, I know who gonna get hit! LOL

Any who! Creps can be the highlight of your outfit and 10 minutes on the streets of Notting Hill, they can be devoured by the roads! Not a good look at all but these people managed to keep their kicks looking as fresh as possible, which made me feel proud of them! (But don't concentrate on the first yellow Adidas pair, they are mine and I too made at carnival, so mine had no chance!)